Latest news

Scooting Workshop
The boys and girls in 1st Class took part in a Scooting Workshop with Angela Wall from Green Schools. They learned all about how to put on their helmets correctly and how to ride their scooters safely. It was great fun and they all learned a lot about road safety. Click on the image or the link below to view photos.

First Holy Communion 2022
Congratulations to Aaron, Oisín, Seimí Óg, Aoife, Donnchadh, Darragh, Ava, Grace, Anna, Séaghdha, Lara, Adam, Amelia, Noah, Hugo, Isabelle, Liam and Darragh on celebrating their First Holy Communion in Scartaglen Church on Saturday 21st May. The ceremony was celebrated by Fr. Seán Horgan with music by Catherine Nash. Many thanks to everyone who helped to make this day such a memorable occasion. The children enjoyed a wonderful party on returning to school. A special thanks to Ms. Eilís McCarthy for all her hard work preparing the children and organising the lovely party.

Food Dudes
We are delighted to be participating in the Food Dudes Programme. Food Dudes is an award winning curriculum-linked evidence-based healthy eating programme, developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is based on repeated tastings of fresh fruit and vegetables, rewards and positive role models.

Soccer Tournament
4th, 5th and 6th Class took part in a soccer tournament in our Astro Turf pitch. The tournament went on over three days with each team made up of a mix of boys and girls from 4th, 5th and 6th. The weather was amazing and all of the boys and girls had great fun playing in the tournament. Well done to everyone who took part!!

6th Class Confirmation 2022
Well done to Aoife, Daniel, Cairán, Caoimhe, Ruairí, Cian, Paul, Owen, Millie, Megan, Éabha, Amy, Seán, Jack, Adam, Darragh and Jessie in 6th Class on celebrating their Confirmation on Saturday 30th April in Scartaglen Church. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Fr. Sean Horgan with music provided by Catherine Nash. Fr. Seán spoke to the children about embracing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Thanks to everyone who made the day a really special one. A special word of thanks to Ms. Ciara O' Leary for all her work preparing the children.

Girls Football Blitz
Well done to our Girls Football Team who participated in the Cumann na mBunscol Football Blitz in Scartaglen. They played against Curranes and Kilmurry N.S. The girls played fantastically despite difficult weather conditions. They showed a great team spirit and did their school proud. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for organising the blitz and for all her hard work coaching the team.

Boys Football Blitz
Well done to our Boys Football Team who participated in the Cumann na mBunscol Football Blitz in Cordal. They played against Curranes, Kilflynn and Kilmurry N.S. The boys played brilliantly and represented the school with fantastic spirit on the football pitch. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her hard work coaching the team and to Mr. Moroney and Gemma for accompanying the team on the day.

Seachtain na Gaeilge & St. Patrick's Day Parade 2022
We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge and St. Patrick's Day in style this year! The students continued the theme of World Book Day while marching in the Castleisland St. Patrick's Day Parade. We also had a Céilí in the school yard! It was lots of fun. We were celerating the Irish language and Irish Culture around the school. Thanks to all of staff for organising these fun activities and accompanying the students in the Parade.

World Book Day 2022
World Book Day took place on Thursday 3rd March. We celebrated by asking all students to dress up as their favourite literary character. We had a host of fun events on the day all related to reading. This day is always great fun and the costumes this year were amazing!

Ireland's Future is Mine Competition
Well done to Adam, Daniel, Millie, Owen and Seán in 6th Class who entered the Ireland’s Future is Mine competition. The competition was run in collobaration with Microsoft Dreamspace, RTE junior and Minecraft: Education Edition. They built a more sustainable version of Scartaglen village on Minecraft including wind turbines, bee sanctuaries, solar lights, fish hatcheries and many more sustainable features. Thanks to Ms. O’ Leary and Ms. Dixon for all their work on the project. You can view the video of their entry by clicking the logo on the left or else the video on the right.

First Confession
Well done to all of the boys and girls in 2nd class on celebrating their First Confession in Scartaglen Church. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Fr. Seán Horgan. He spoke to the children about the importance of saying sorry when you do something wrong. A special word of thanks to their teacher Ms. Eilís McCarthy for all her hard work preparing the children for this special day.

Pancake Tuesday
We were all treated to a wonderful day on Pancake Tuesday. The Parent's Council provided pancakes for every child in the school. There were a variety of toppings on offer including strawberries, bananas, nutella, marshmallows and maple-syrup. A huge thanks to the Parent's Council for this special day which is certainly one of the highlights of the year for the pupils! A particular word of thanks to Moira Hughes for delivering all of the food and to Katie, Gemma and Michelle who worked really hard on the day.

Junior Entrepreneur Dragon's Den
5th and 6th Class had a Dragon's Den as part of their Junior Entrepreneur Project. They worked in small groups to come up with business ideas to pitch to the Dragons. They had to come up with a business plan as well as a presentation. It was a great experience. Thanks to Mr. Moroney, Ms. Healy and Mrs. O' Mahony for being the Dragons on the day and to Ms. O' Leary for all her hard work preparing the teams.

Cycle Right Programme
Scartaglen N.S. were delighted to take part in the Cycle Right Programme. 5th/6th Class learned all about the rules of the road and how to cycle safely on the road. The course took place over four weeks with all bikes, helmets etc. being supplied. The majority of the funding for this course was provided by the Road Safety Authority, Kerry Recreation & Sports Partnership and An Taisce Green Schools.

Christmas Jumper Day for Children's Health
Scartaglen National School were delighted to take part in the Christmas Jumper Day in aid of the Children’s Health Foundation. This charity supports the Children’s Hospitals at Crumlin, Temple Street and Connolly. Every child in the school had the opportunity to wear their Christmas jumper (or hat!) to raise money for this great cause. A grand total of €530 was raised. Thank you all for your tremendous generosity.

Archeology Workshop
Frankie Callaghan visited the school recently for an Archeology workshop. She is an archeologist and she taught us all about the work that she does. She also showed us some amazing artefacts that had been discovered on some of her digs.

Mammal and Invertebrates Workshop
We had a visit from Tara Buckley who taught us all about Mammals and Invertebrates. She brought lots of realistic stuffed animals for us to explore and we even went on an insect hunt! It was great fun and we learned so much.

Scholastic Book Fair
We held our annual book fair in the school recently. Each class had an opportunity to stock up on books before their Christmas holidays. We love seeing the children reading and there is always great interest in all the latest books that are available at the book fair! A total of €1800 worth of books were purchased. Due to this great response the school now has an allowance to purchase even more books for the classrooms. Thanks to Katie, Gemma and Michelle for all their work over the two days of the fair.

Travel Action Day
5th and 6th class alongside the Green Team held a protest to raise awareness about the impact of car idling on our environment. As part of our action day each class carried out a different activity. 5th and 6th class made movies about transport and climate change, 3rd and 4th class designed sustainable transport vehicles, 2nd and 3rd created cars of the future, 1st class made posters and Juniors and Seniors played a game. We sent out ‘No Idling’ pledges to all the families in our school, so far over 50% of our families have returned their pledges. We did all of this so our school could apply for the Green School Travel flag. Thank you for helping everyone breathe a little easier. One small change can make a difference. By Sean O’Connor, Jessie O’Keeffe, Owen O’Keeffe, Cian McCarthy and Caoimhe O’Connell

New Astro Turf Pitch Opened!!
We were so excited to finally begin using our new Astro Turf pitch in Scartaglen N.S. It is a wonderful facility that we get to use every day for break times as well as for sports and P.E. A huge thank you to our amazing Parent's Council and everyone who donated to our fundraiser.

STEM 2021/22
We are delighted to have STEM back up and running again for 2021/22. 2nd to 6th Class are having a great time at the moment learning coding, building with Lego WeDo and participating in the Minecraft Education Project in partnership with RTÉ and Microsoft.

Halloween in Scartaglen N.S.
We had gret fun dressing up for Halloween. Everyone made a huge effort and we raised €320 for MS Irleand. We even had a Halloween Disco at break time! Thank you all for your generosity.

First Confession 2021
Third Class celebrated their First Confession in Scartaglen Church on the 7th September. The ceremony was celebrated by Fr. Sean Horgan. He spoke about the importance of saying sorry. They are all looking forward to their First Holy Communion. Thanks to Ms. McCarthy for all her work preparing the children.

6th Class Confirmation
We were delighted to welcome back our 6th Class to celebrate their Confirmation in Scartaglen Chuch on the 11th September. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Fr. Sean Horgan. Thanks to Mrs. O' Mahony and Mr. Moroney for attending the ceremony and to Catherine Nash for the lovely music. A big thank you also to Diarmuid, Eilish and Sheila for all their work.

Junior Infant Class of 2021
We are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to Scartaglen National School. We are sure they will be very happy in our school. Click on the image or the link below to see some lovely photos of their first day in school!
news from the classrooms
Junior/Senior Infants (Mrs. Doody):
Junior and Senior Infants have been very busy decorating our class for Easter- painting eggs and making rabbit masks! We have been working extra hard at our cursive handwriting and Seniors are writing news from the board! We have been learning all about the Fire Station in Aistear!
1st Class (Mrs. Fitzpatrick & Ms. O' Connor):
The boys and girls in First Class are working hard this term. We enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and participating in fun activities throughout the day. During Seachtain na Gaeilge we demonstrated our dancing skills during the ceilí in the school yard! We also had great fun playing Bingo with Mr. Johnson’s class. We look forward to stations every week where we play various games to help consolidate our learning for the week. We are all excited for Easter. We are making our own Easter decorations to decorate our classroom. Happy Easter from all in First Class.
2nd/3rd Class (Ms. McCarthy):
We here in second and third class have had lots to celebrate at school in the past few weeks. Second class received the Sacrament of Reconciliation and we had a lovely ceremony with Fr. Seán. The preparations for our First Holy Communion are now well under way. We got in to the spirit of World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite characters. Third class have been lucky enough to share their love of reading by partaking in Literacy Lift Off. Second class look forward to beginning Literacy Lift off very soon. We made a huge effort to play games as Gaeilge during Seachtain na Gaeilge. We finished the week with a céilí which was great fun! We have celebrated the arrival of Spring by learning about An tEarrach and reciting some Spring poetry. We’ve done lots of work on digital and analogue time in Maths as well as learning about fractions. We loved putting these skills to use by calculating fractions of chocolate bars and then gobbling them up! We’ve learned about cardinal directions when studying maps and we practised our throwing and kicking skills in PE. We can’t wait to start our Easter art as we look forward to celebrating Easter shortly.
3rd/4th Class (Mr. Johnson):
We have been doing a lot of measuring in maths. We measured our heights, furniture in the classroom and various things outside. We also worked out the area and perimeter of the classroom and school with a trundle wheel. During Seachtain na Gaeilge, we visited 1st Class and played some cluichí Gaeilge with them. We had a lot of fun! We also took part in An Poc Fada. We have been practising our jumping skills in P.E., working on both our standing and running jumps. We have also been taking part in relay races. We are currently learning about the body in science, studying how bones, joints and muscles all work together to make our bodies move.
5th/6th Class (Ms. O' Leary):
5th and 6th Class really enjoyed learning all about WWII through our class novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. We also watched the movie and looked at the similarities and differences between the book and the movie. We all thought the book was better. In S.E.S.E we have been learning about Fairtrade and the importance of choosing Fairtrade products where possible. We looked at the journey of Fairtrade items such as; bananas and chocolate. We took part in the Cycle Right Programme, where we learned the rules of the road and developed our cycling skills. On the final week of our training we got to put all our knowledge and skills to use in a cycle around the village. We have been very busy with the Junior Entrepreneur Project this term. We worked in small groups to create a business idea and presented our ideas at Dragons Den. The ’Big Idea’ was selected and since then we have been very busy working as a whole class to make the idea a reality. We are currently putting the final touches to our ‘Wellness Boxes’ which will be launching before Easter.
News Archive
School year 2018/19
School Year 2017/18
School Year 2016/17
School Year 2015/16